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 Lanzhou Feasibility Study Report

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Preliminary Design of Lanzhou Project

Preliminary Design of Lanzhou Project

  • Detailed introduction

Gansu Preliminary design of the project The report document shall be provided by a qualified design unit. If it is jointly designed by several design units, the general contracting design unit shall be responsible for summarizing the design data. The preliminary design documents include descriptions, data and drawings.

The quality, content and depth of the documents shall comply with the relevant regulations and requirements of the state, province and city. In addition to the provisions of the Notice on Approving the Preparation Depth of Architectural Engineering Design Documents (JS [1992] No. 102) issued by the Ministry of Construction, the construction project shall also meet the following requirements:

(1) The design description shall include: general description and construction, structure, water supply and drainage, electrical (strong current, weak current), air conditioning and ventilation, fire protection, civil air defense, environmental design and protection, labor safety, budget estimates and other professional chapters.

l. The general design description shall include: design basis (various documents, regulations, geographical and climatic conditions), project overview, scope and scale of project design, design characteristics and guiding ideology, traffic organization and parking, landscaping layout and indicators, fire protection, environmental protection, labor protection, occupational health, civil air defense, architectural design principles and standards, indoor and outdoor decoration standards, equipment Electrical system standards and dosage composition, external municipal conditions, water and electricity saving measures, production process and characteristics, structural selection and characteristics, seismic fortification, existing problems, general indicators (main technical and economic indicators, total estimated investment, water, electricity, building materials consumption), etc.

 Preliminary Design of Lanzhou Project

2. The description of architecture includes: design basis, project overview, site conditions and general layout design, vertical design, traffic environment design, functional layout, horizontal and vertical traffic design, unit plane, elevation, section design, basement and roof waterproof measures, door and window table Main technical and economic indicators (total land area, total building area, ground building area, underground building area, ground building base area, coverage, floor area ratio, green space ratio, etc.).

3. The description of the structure section includes: design basis, project overview, engineering geology overview, load value, seismic fortification intensity, structural safety level and seismic level, material selection, structural design (structural selection, foundation form, section size of main components, etc.), structural calculation (analysis method, calculation content, calculation results, summary of calculation results) Seismic safety assessment, time history analysis and calculation, special structure analysis and processing, application of new technologies and materials, foundation pit support scheme, civil air defense design, etc. required according to regulations. When a structural transfer floor is set, the calculation method of the transfer floor, the section size of the beam and slab, the stiffness ratio of the upper and lower layers, and the axial compression ratio of the frame column shall be described.

4. The description of water supply and drainage includes: design basis, project overview, design scope, water supply system (water source, water consumption, outdoor water supply system, indoor water supply system), indoor hot water and drinking water supply system, fire protection system (hydrant water supply system, automatic sprinkler system), circulating water system Drainage system (municipal drainage system, daily sewage discharge, rainwater discharge, outdoor drainage system, canteen and kitchen sewage treatment, fecal sewage treatment and discharge, indoor drainage system, roof rainwater discharge, sanitary ware selection), civil air defense water supply and drainage (water supply and drainage), water-saving, energy-saving measures, pollution prevention measures, main equipment and materials list, etc.

5. The description of electrical part (strong current and weak current) includes: design basis, project overview, design scope, strong current and weak current design, statistical table of equipment power load, total power supply index, table of main equipment materials, etc.

6. The description of heating, air conditioning and ventilation includes: design basis, project overview, design scope, heating system, ventilation system, refrigeration system, smoke control system, smoke exhaust system and list of main equipment and materials.

7. The description of thermal power includes:

(l) Boiler room: design basis, project overview, design scope, determination of thermal load and boiler model selection, thermal system and auxiliary equipment selection, smoke and air systems and environmental protection measures, brief description of the composition of boiler room and auxiliary rooms, consideration of expansion and development, technical and economic indicators, etc.

(2) Indoor and outdoor power pipeline: design basis, design scope, determination of various medium loads, pipeline and its laying, main equipment and material list.

8. Description of technical economy and budget estimate: The design budget estimate document must completely reflect the contents of the preliminary design of the project, strictly implement the relevant national guidelines, policies and systems, and be prepared according to the construction conditions of the project location (including natural conditions, construction conditions and other factors that affect the cost) and relevant reference data.

The budget estimate design documents shall include: preparation instructions (project overview, preparation basis, construction scale, construction scope, excluded projects and costs, other issues that must be explained, etc.), general budget estimate table, comprehensive budget estimate of individual works, budget estimate of unit works, budget estimate of other projects and costs, and main materials list such as steel, wood and cement.

The general budget estimate is a general document to determine all construction costs required for a construction project from preparation to completion acceptance and delivery, including three parts: construction and installation costs and equipment purchase costs, other costs (such as land acquisition costs, housing demolition costs, research and testing costs, survey and design costs, etc.), and reserve costs (unforeseen projects and costs).

9. Design description of fire protection part includes: design basis, project overview, general layout, building and structural parts, fire protection system, automatic fire alarm and linkage control, smoke control and smoke exhaust design description, etc.

10. Environmental protection: design basis, project overview, design scope and design principles, wastewater treatment, waste gas treatment, noise control, solid waste treatment, environmental design (greening and beautifying the environment).

11. Design description of labor safety and health: design basis, project overview, indoor air quality and environmental noise control, health measures, safety measures.

12. Design description of civil air defense part includes: design basis, project overview, design scope and design principles, building part, structural part, civil air defense water supply and drainage, civil air defense basement wartime electrical system design, ventilation and air conditioning design (combining peacetime and wartime ventilation and exhaust system design).

13. The total construction area refers to the sum of the construction areas of the basement, podium, overhead floor, tower, roof machine room, etc., which is the concept of the total amount of works, and is consistent with the estimated total construction area. Main technical and economic indicators shall include: total land area, building area, green space area, road square area, total building area (above ground area, underground area), total number of households, total residential population, public building supporting area, green space ratio, building density, plot ratio, etc. The above ground area shall include the area of shopping mall, office area, residential area (including balcony area), overhead floor area, roof water tank, machine room area and other sub items. The area of equipment room, the area of motor vehicle parking garage and the number of parking spaces shall be clearly listed in the underground area. Lanzhou preliminary design report writing company is looking for Lanzhou Zhiyuan.

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Lanzhou Zhiyuan Engineering Project Management Service Co., Ltd

 image.png Address: 15/F, Hongye Building, No. 91 Qingyang Road, Chengguan District, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province (Jingning Road and Qingyang Road Shizi)
 image.png Tel: 18993052198; 0931-4648738
 image.png Email: [email protected]

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